Benefits of Dragon Boating

Strength and Fitness
Whether you're looking for a more social activity, or have a competitive streak, this sport is excellent as a whole body workout - your legs are the anchor while the muscles in your arms, shoulders and back are used to cut through the water.   

Meeting new people
​Dragon Boat paddling is a sport that incorporates a wide variety of people of all ages, races and genders, from all walks of life.  This makes it an amazingly social sport to be a part of.

Mastering a new skill set
Learning to paddle is always interesting, each club has their own slightly different paddling technique. Not only do you need to learn to paddle - you need to learn the commands as well.  Once you master it, this sport is very satisfying.

The scenery & being on the water
The places you get to paddle are quite beautiful, whether it be at a marina, on a river, a lake or the ocean, there is usually a lot to look at.  So while you are paddling your heart out, you can still appreciate the scenery around you.  Each morning is a fresh and perfect way to start your day, and afternoon training is rewarded with some incredibly beautiful sunsets.

Camaraderie/Being part of a team
Dragon Boating is a team sport, and to have any hope of making the boat go forward, you must work together. The loyalty and team spirit you find while Dragon Boat paddling is something you won’t find anywhere else.  Over time, you'll notice that the people you paddle with will begin to come family.

Travel Opportunities
Dragon Boat paddling can take you to some interesting and amazing places.  You can travel around the globe.  With a bit of competitive spirit and determination, this sport can take you anywhere imaginable. Our members have travelled to Florence, Sarasota, Penang and New Zealand, to name just a few.

Freeing Your Mind
This sport is truly amazing for your all round well-being – body, mind, soul and spirit. Perfect sport to let all the worry and stress drift away.

There’s nothing quite like it, linking in with comraderie, you and your team-mates rely on being disciplined to execute everything you’re told, in perfect synchronization in order to bring the boat up and forward…and when it works, it works!

Whether you see yourself as a competitive person or not, racing against other clubs is a lot of fun. Giving one hundred percent, as a team unit, it’s truly a sight to see, and something to experience.



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